Wednesday 16 March 2011

Zeus: Lurker of Toilets

Today, I lamented over my complete lack of followers.
Therfore, this blog post is addressed to me. Hi, me. How are you doing?

So today I only had two lessons. First and second. Then four hours of sweet nothingness. Although there was a bit of a dilemma in my second lesson, as I realised I needed the toilet (I am fully aware that by telling this story, my first two blog posts become toilet related). Now, it was chemistry... and I do not understand A-Level chemistry (But that is another story), so basically, I didn't want to miss any of it. So I held it in for an hour.
Then came break... but it was not a relief. You see, the toilets at my school are used as a hangout for the easy, makeup-slathered fourteen year olds. Call me a wimp, but I don't like going near them for fear that they'll hit me with their cheap extensions or something. The only time to be safe from them is to go in a lesson. So I held it in longer. An hour and twenty minutes I lusted for the toilet today.
And I am proud of myself for it. Damn proud.
I also got to witness the beauty of my English teacher acting out 'The Jabberwocky'. She had a plastic sword which she finally found after forcing my classmate to look for it in her closet, and then she pretended to slay the Jabberwock (a year seven who had been sent in the room to work quietly). We are not even doing 'The Jabberwocky' for this course.

I think I'll tell you all (AKA me) about the fourteen year olds who haunt the bathrooms. I shall call them 'JC', 'AL' and 'CM' ... otherwise known as 'Their Initials'. JC lives across the road from me. She isn't too bad. I haven't seen her bother me or my friends, so I don't have much of a problem with her. AL is funny. I used to be best best best friends with her, until I started High School. She has a really deep voice. I know some girls have pretty deep voices, but AL's is unreal. It's a beautiful thing. She opens her mouth to make some neanderthal remark, and the echo of a booming giant is emitted. She does not just talk - she resonates. There is nothing quite like the deep voice only a God could achieve spurting out the language of a Valley Girl. It's something special. AL herself is possibly a marvel of nature - the rest of her family are petite and blonde with blue eyes. AL is a natural redhead, but has dyed it a worrying fake shade of black, and she is tall. Not just tall, but large as well. Not fat, not muscley, just sort of big
CM isn't as funny. She is less that 5'0" tall, with messy, bleached blonde hair and VERY fake extensions, and she had an abortion when she was thirteen.
AL makes me laugh. CM just kind of worries me.

Last year, I saw AL sprain her ankle in neon pink heels outside a club. That was the highlight of that particular week.

I know that's you, AL. Stop pretending to be a barely-teenaged girl.

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